Author Archives: kmorrow

Oct 5


CRITIQUE Exercise 2: Intro to AE/Motion Principles

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In Class – comment on each other’s exercises.

Consider the following aspects:

  • Spatial relationships & iIllusion of depth
  • Natural motion & principles of animation
  • Composition & other design considerations

TOPIC: Design

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Design Lecture

Design Principles

  • Rhythm
  • Balance
  • Figure/Ground

Formal Design Characteristics

  • Shape
  • Scale
  • Transparency
  • Color

IN CLASS Activity

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Link activity examples to Exercise3 Slack Channel as a group: Find examples of design patterns using each of the different design characteristics and figure/ground principle to create rhythm. Clearly label what formal design characteristic(s) you are seeing in your posts.

  1. shape
  2. scale
  3. transparency
  4. color
  5. figure/ground


You can use the following resources:

ASSIGN: Exercise 3: Music Interpretation


Click to view:

Shape Effects
What you can do with Shapes
Beginner’s Guide to Shape Layers

Audio Integration
How to work with Audio in AE

After Effects Step-by-Step Help related to exercise:
Click here to see step-by-step instructions:
new stuff: color, shape effects, audio
+ stuff from previous classes: graph editor, opacity, scale, easing, anchor points, exporting

Playback/Preview Help
Demo on how to get a smoother playback in the timeline

Tips and Tricks
Demo of helpful keyboard shortcuts and other time-efficient tips


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    1. In-class activity examples linked to Exercise3 Slack Channel as a group if you didn’t finish in-class: Find examples of design patterns using each of the different characteristics and figure/ground principle to create rhythm. Clearly label what formal design characteristic(s) you are seeing in your posts.
      1.  shape
      2. scale
      3. transparency
      4. color
      5. figure/ground
    2. Copyright-free song chosen as a group (1min for 3 person groups / 1:20 for 4 person group) 
      Each member of the team will take 20 seconds of the full song. (if you need help dividing the song up into three 20 second clips, then send me the song ASAP via DM on Slack and tell me what section you want and I can cut it up for you)
    3. Each Teammate uploads storyboards for your individual 20 seconds to Exercise3 Slack Channel: Create storyboards of your ideas for demonstrating rhythm using the formal characteristics of shape, scale, transparency, and color. You also need to consider figure/ground and explore depth in your concepts.  Storyboard Examples. 
    4. Also recommend watching the Demo videos above and the ones from last time if you need review. 


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  1. Upload individual progress video to Vimeo or YouTube and link to Exercise3 Slack Channel. Get at least halfway through exercise.


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  1. Upload Exercise 3 final group video to Vimeo or YouTube and link to Exercise3 Slack Channel. One person in the group can upload it.
  2. Should be 1920×1080, mp4, 1 to 1:20 minute total, each person does 20 seconds