Author Archives: kmorrow

Oct 7


EXERCISE 3: Music Interpretation

Look at storyboards/pattern ideas in class


Click to view:

Learn how to group your layers together to achieve dynamic results and save time

Compiling Files for Exercise (around 7:25 is when i go over compiling)
Learn how to compile your AE files for final export + Reviewing Shapes and Precomps


Demos provided last class:

Shape Effects
What you can do with Shapes
Beginner’s Guide to Shape Layers

Audio Integration
How to work with Audio in AE

After Effects Step-by-Step Help related to exercise:
Click here to see step-by-step instructions:
new stuff: color, shape effects, audio
+ stuff from previous classes: graph editor, opacity, scale, easing, anchor points, exporting

Playback/Preview Help
Demo on how to get a smoother playback in the timeline

Tips and Tricks
Demo of helpful keyboard shortcuts and other time-efficient tips


Click to view:

  1. Upload individual progress video to Vimeo or YouTube or a Public Google Drive Folder and link to Exercise3 Slack Channel. Get at least halfway through exercise.
  2. After people have posted videos, comment on at least 3 other progress videos and provide constructive feedback. Leave feedback for videos that don’t have any yet if possible to spread the love, so everyone receives comments.
  3. Hot tip – the earlier you post, the sooner you get feedback!


Click to view:

Will need to find a time to compile and upload before class!

  1. Upload Exercise 3 final group video to Vimeo or YouTube and link to Exercise3 Slack Channel. One person in the group can upload and link it. Label who did the different sections of the animation. For example:
    1. Person 1: 0:00–20:00
    2. Person 2: 20:00–40:00
    3. Peson 3: 40:00–1:00:00
  2. Should be 1920×1080, mp4, 1 minute total for 3 person teams and 1:20 for 4 person team, each person does 20 seconds