What is HTML?

What is HTML?

HTML is an abbreviation for Hypertext Markup Language.

Hypertext is text that links the user to other information.
Markup is a type of language used to format text for display.

HTML is a language that formats text for display and links information.

Every webpage has HTML. HTML is used to define your content’s meaning.

Think of HTML as a skeleton. Its the bones or foundation of the page. It can be ugly.

Brief History

HTML started in the early 1990s as a short document with a handful of elements to build a page like paragraphs, headings, and lists. The language has evolved with the introduction of other elements and adjustments to its rules. HTML5 is the newest development still in progress. It is introducing new features from basic new elements that better describe content to creating powerful Web applications.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) directed by the inventor of the Web and HTML, Tim-Berners Lee is the organization responsible for sheparding the development of Web Standards. www.w3.org will always have the latest specifications or the standardizations of the rules.