


CSS Layout




Cool CSS Stuff

Spreadsheet of Advanced CSS


Responsive General Overview

Media Queries

Fluid Layouts

Responsive Navigation

Responsive Images

Responsive Tools



Adobe XD



GIF Help



jQuery Review

1. First, what is Javascript?

2. Intro to jQuery

3. What is the basic Syntax?

4. What are Selectors? 
Selector Reference List 

5. What are Events? 
Events Reference List

6. What are Effects? 
Effects Reference List 

7. Always link to the jQuery library in the head of your html document using the following snippets from’s Content Delivery Network (CDN):

<script src=""></script>

or Google’s CDN:

<script src=""></script>



jQuery Practical Examples on W3Schools:

Click to see Examples

Hosting Your Own Site

Hosting for free: Article about using GitHub

Important Part of Article:
  1. Create a new repository for your code. This should be in the folder that contains all your HTML, CSS, JavaScript that you want as part of your page. In other words, you’ll have to “cd” into your folder from the shell, and run “git init” there. I’m assuming you’re following the directions in the link from GitHub for the next steps, so make sure you get to the stage where you’re going all the way to pushing your code to the newly created repository.
  2. Publish your code by pushing your code to a branch called gh-pages in your repository. I’m also assuming here you know what git branching is – if not, click here for a tutorial used on Bento. The full instructions on how to do this from GitHub are very good, so make sure the read them.
  3. Once you’ve successfully pushed code to the gh-pages branch, you should be able to visit your site at: http://<github username><repository name>. For example, my GitHub username is jonhmchan and I could host my code in the gh-pages branch of a repository named bento. That means any code that commit and push to the gh-pages branch would be seen at

That’s really it! Assuming you know how to use the shell, Git, and GitHub, all you need to do push your code to a branch called gh-pages and GitHub takes care of the rest! At this point, there’s probably one more question lingering in your mind: how do I get a fancy domain name like if I don’t want to use GitHub’s auto-generated web addresses? That’s where buying domains come in.

Cheap Domains/Easily connects to GitHub: NameCheap